Friday, July 4, 2008

MySpace Contracts "The Code"

Yep! We've made the leap to MySpace with the new MySpace page for Crackin' The Code!
I find it hilarious that we have only been up and running on MySpace for a couple days and already there are 10 times as many friends signed on then I have in my personal MySpace account that I have been running for a couple years! OUCH! Well I am gonna chalk it up to a more interesting subject...go check it out and join our group of friends...let's get the word out...THE CODE IS COMING!!!! Check out the site at...
http://www. myspace. com/crackinthecodemovie


Harold Phillips said...

Woops! You didn't publish the url for the Code MySpace page... it's http://www. myspace. com/crackinthecodemovie :)

Steve said...

So right you were sir...I have fixed that issue!