Monday, June 23, 2008

iTunes accepts Crackin The Code Pod Cast

So on the first night of shooting June 15th, I broke out my Blue Snowball mic and interviewed John San Nicolas about the movie and what not intending to start a pod cast to promote the film and as an avenue for fun and creativity...since then we have recorded several episodes. They are somewhat cheeky and you can imagine. Once I found a site to host the pod cast, I submitted it to iTunes for consideration as I was aware that you can upload your stuff to them and they will make it available if they like it...well...they approved the show and now you can find us at this link:

...Or by searching my name in the pod cast section of the iTunes store. If you do not have access to the iTunes (...Living under a rock much?) Then you can go to :

...and search for "Crackin The Code" OR in a few days go to our website:

...and follow the "Code" links to the "Pod Cast" button.

Tell everyone! We want to create a buzz about the movie and it is through this type of networking that we can do so.

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